Designer handbags are a much sought
after accessory for the fashionable woman. Why is that true? How can a perfectly
rational human being go gaga over spending a thousand bucks on an item made
essentially to hold stuff?
After all handbags exist to hold miscellaneous
stuff some of which is useful, some not.
The authentic designer handbags
do differ from other bags in ways besides their fine quality and designer handbags online. They
also offer status to the woman carrying the handbag. Bags from haute couture
designers are made by hand from the highest quality leather they can find
anywhere in the world. These are not items of mass production made in factories
that produce low cost, high volume goods. Designer bags are produced in limited
editions making them exclusive and placing them under the category of status
The bags are carefully made with each stitch and rivet put in
place with extraordinary attention to detail. A designer handbag is always free
of noticeable seams of leather poking out in the handles. The interiors of the
bags are lined in the best fabric available. These bags are designed to be
functional but more than that are designed to serve the purpose of quality and
Aside from impeccable quality and design, designer
handbags also offer a certain status. When someone sees you carrying an
expensive bag, they usually try to get a peak at the brand. They understand that
it's one of the most amazing bags in the world and it usually spurs them to look
into one themselves, which brings me to the next topic. Resell value.
you are uncertain about buying that expensive designer handbag, check out the
bags available at the next yard sale you attend. You will find a table with a
bunch of bags each marked around $5. 00. There will not be a designer bag in the
lot. The reason for that is fine handbags like fine wine grow more valuable with
age. Vintage wine and vintage handbags actually are an investment. Neither of
them depreciate. Even if the bag is used and shows signs of wear, they only lose
their value if they are ripped or stained. Even in those cases, they may still
retain their value if you can find a specialist in the repair of fine leather
handbags to work their magic.
If you take good care of your handbag,
you can sell it in a year or two for very close to the original purchase price.
You will need to have the bag's certificate of authenticity to convince the
buyer of its genuineness. People in the market for designer handbags are a very
suspicious lot given the rash of knock-offs on the market. No one will believe a
bag is the real deal without that certificate.
Finally, if you are
consider purchasing a designer bag, don't buy a knock-off. Knock-off bags are
extremely noticeable to the bag lover and instead of walking by you and drooling
over your bag, they will walk by and laugh knowing that you're carrying around a
$30 purse pretending that it's a $750 bag. With handbags, authentic is the only
way to go. Authentic bags have become more and more popular since the knock-offs
started to appear in the last few years.
With the flood of fakes,
manufacturers have gotten better at making bags that are hard to distinguish
from an authentic bag. One way to tell if your bag is authentic is the leather
itself. High end leather is creamy at the touch. You will not see any marks or
bumps on the leather of an authentic bag. All of the metal on the bag will have
the brand name stamped on it. The fabric in the interior of the bag will have
the logo on it and most bags have a certificate of authenticity with a hologram
Go out their and find that perfect designer handbag that was made
just for you. Good luck.
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